Below is all the code it took to create the subtitle options in the Subtitle Options WebGl App in the previous post, Minimum Gaming Subtitle Options.
Note: this does not include the code for free version of uGUI Color Picker from the Unity Asset Store I used in the options menu. It’s not mine, so I’m not posting it.
But it should illustrate just how easy it was to create all the options shown in the Subtitle Options Web Gl App in the Minimum Gaming Subtitle Options post.
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Change_Shadow(hasShadow); //here's where the dropshadow font gets changed. } //turns outlines on and off on subtitle private void Change_Outline (bool is_it_On) { if(is_it_On) { fontBox.font = outlineFonts[font_No]; //changes subtitle font shadowbox.font = outlineshadowFonts[font_No]; //changes dropshadow font fontBox.characterSpacing = shadowbox.characterSpacing = 0.25f; //increases character spacing if outlines are on for easier readding. hasOutline = true; } else { fontBox.font = plainFonts[font_No]; //changes subtitle font shadowbox.font = shadowFonts[font_No]; //changes dropshadow font fontBox.characterSpacing = shadowbox.characterSpacing = 0f; //removes extra character spacing if outlines are off. hasOutline = false; } } //turns Shadows on and off on dropshadow font. private void Change_Shadow (bool is_it_On) { if(is_it_On) { if(hasOutline) { shadowbox.font = outlineshadowFonts[font_No]; } else { shadowbox.font = shadowFonts[font_No]; } Fix_ShadowOffset(); shadowFontBox.SetActive(true); hasShadow = true; } else { if(hasOutline) { shadowbox.font = outlineshadowFonts[font_No]; } else { shadowbox.font = shadowFonts[font_No]; } shadowFontBox.SetActive(false); hasShadow = false; } } //changes drop shadow offset amount when font size changes private void Fix_ShadowOffset () { shadowOffset = new Vector2(shadowOffsetX + shadowDistance * scaleUp, shadowOffsetY - shadowDistance * scaleUp); shadowBoxRT.anchoredPosition = shadowOffset; } //Updates Color Picker UI public void UpdateColorPickers() { fontUpdateRequired = true; backgroudUpdateRequired = true; } //changes subtitle font color public void FontColorChanged (Color passed_Color) { newFontColorOpacity = passed_Color; newFontColorOpacity.a = fontOpacitySlider.value; fontBox.color = newFontColorOpacity; fontUpdateRequired = true; } //changes background color public void BackgroundColorChanged (Color passed_Color) { newBackgroundColorOpacity = passed_Color; newBackgroundColorOpacity.a = bgOpacitySlider.value; captionBackground.color = newBackgroundColorOpacity; backgroudUpdateRequired = true; } //changes subtitle font opacity public void FontOpacityChanged () { newFontColorOpacity.a = fontOpacitySlider.value; fontBox.color = newFontColorOpacity; } //changes background opacity public void BackgroundOpacityChanged () { newBackgroundColorOpacity.a = bgOpacitySlider.value; captionBackground.color = newBackgroundColorOpacity; } //Updates Color Pickers void LateUpdate() { if (fontUpdateRequired) { font_Color_Picker.UpdateUI (); fontUpdateRequired = false; } if (backgroudUpdateRequired) { background_Color_Picker.UpdateUI (); backgroudUpdateRequired = false; } } //changes Line Spacing in subtitle and and dropshadows public void Change_LineSpacing () { fontBox.lineSpacing = shadowbox.lineSpacing = fontLineSpacingSlider.value; resizeBackgroundImage (); } public void resizeBackgroundImage () { myCaption = fontBox.text; //Gets Caption Text //sets new font size currentFontSize = fontBox.fontSize = shadowbox.fontSize = fontSizeSlider.value * fontsizeMinMax[font_No]/fontscale; //gets scale of font to set background box size and drop shadow offset scaleUp = currentFontSize/minFontSize; if(myCaption == null) //checks to make sure there is a caption. { //Debug.Log ("It's null"); captionBackground.enabled = false; //turns off caption backgrund if there's no image. return; //returns if there is no caption. } if(!captionBackground.enabled) { captionBackground.enabled = true; } //turns it back on if a caption replaces a blank caption. captionSplit = myCaption.Split(new string[]{ "\n" }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //splits caption into separate lines. maxCharacters = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < captionSplit.Length; i++) //we need to get the length of the longest ling of captions to set background box size { if(captionSplit[i].Length > maxCharacters) { maxCharacters = captionSplit[i].Length; //gets length of longest line for setting box width. } } maxCharacters += sidePadding; //adds padding at side for background box. newWidth = maxCharacters * charSize[font_No] * scaleUp; //gets new width based on font parameters for background box. //gets new height based on font parameters for background box. newHeight = (lineSize[captionSplit.Length-1] * scaleUp) + (fontLineSpacingSlider.value/110 * lineSize[captionSplit.Length-1]); imageboxRT.sizeDelta = new Vector2(newWidth, newHeight); //sets size of background box. Fix_ShadowOffset(); //Fixes size of dropshadow offset for new font size. } } |